
Thanks Knud. The comprehensive comments you make are very helpful in choosing between closely scored applications and provide useful feedback to the applicants. Thank you also for getting this sent in well before the deadline.

Thank you very much for your thorough review of application


Jeg læste dit vedhæftede (Tyrannisk Demokrati eller Demokratiskt Tyranni) med stor interesse. Teknokratisering, ”nødvendighedens politik” og tab af (eller snarere manglende interesse for) politiske værdier.

Anonym læser

I read your attached (Tyrrannic Democracy or Democratic Tyranny) with great interest. Advancing teknocrats, ”the politics of necessity” and loss of (or rather missing interest for) political values.

Anonymous reader

Tak for dit meget velskrevne politiske skrift om UK. Yderst interessant at læse. Det er sørgeligt, hvis fremtiden skulle ødelægges af Brexit. Men det bliver man lidt klogere af efter at have læst dit skrift.

Anonym læser

Thanks for your well-written political essay about the UK. Extremely interesting to read. It is regrettable if the future should be spoilt by Brexit. You get a bit more wise in that regard having read your essay.

Anonymous reader

Knud has recently done an updating and realignment of the council’s SHLAA database and achieved this within the specified time limits. In completing this task Knud impressed us with his knowledge and experience in working with MS Access and Excel as well as his careful approach and attention to detail. We also appreciated his helpful comments and would like to thank Knud for the valuable contribution he made towards improving our SHLAA database.

Helen Beech · Planning Policy Manager
Rob Hassall

Through his work with his large property databases Knud has acquired a knowledge and understanding of the property market in North Staffs and Cheshire East that is outstanding. His real time statistics are very insightful when talking about the local housing market and very useful when we have aligned them to the mortgage business we do locally.

Rob Hassall · Hanley Economic Building Society
Ann King

Knud understands the housing market in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire very well and his comments and occasional reports have been valuable contributions.

Ann King · Business Editor, ‘The Sentinel’
The Sentinel

House prices have had to be low to be affordable to the average person living here.

‘The Sentinel’ 19 Sept 2014, page 2, quoting KVM Research

The list of potential new customers was very helpful in seeking to expand the business

Karl Hession · Herbalife
Sandbach Carpets

The reports on potential target areas were comprehensive and accurate

Mark Forrester · Mark of Sandbach (Carpets)
Melaney Doyle

The presentation on research for business planning was very interesting, informative, inspiring and made me realise the importance of research for business.

Melaney Doyle · Mpower People Development & Mbusiness
Jan Cameron

I've found the presentation very useful. I'm putting it more to practice for one of our projects concerning a community centre in Castle and trying to make it financially sustainable.

Jan Cameron · Age UK
The Bluebell

The customer satisfaction survey made me realise that I needed to provide some play equipment for children so as to attract families. This has been done and has proved a great success.

‘The Bluebell’, Spen Green, Nr Congleton
The Crown

The survey told me that I needed to provide hot beverages (coffee, tea, chocolate) in addition to the traditional fayre.

Owner of local public house
Local Business

The research report proved to be a very accurate depiction of the business, its customers and the area we serve. It will prove very useful if and when I hand over to somebody else.

Local Business Owner

The new website looks great, good to hear a little more about what you do and how you help people. I will keep an eye out for people that I know that might need your help.

Carl Barlow · Digital Eyes Media
Charles Bigley

I've had a quick look at your new website, and found it very impressive - good luck!

Charles Bigley · IT Consultant
Sandler Certified

I enjoyed your presentation disk which made me appreciate the value of Market Research.

Roy A. Johnson · Managing Director